Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Nietzsche Project

I recently realized that there is a drawback to having two blogs.  Since this one is not a complete record, I never know where to search for a particular book I've read.  This is easy to rectify though with a short bibliography for each of various projects in which our esteemed colleague over at FPiPE has gotten enmeshed.  Since the Difference and Repetition liveblog project predates the 2020 reboot of The Capitalist Axiomatic, I'll skip that one.  And since the Plato project consisted of a single book Plato: Complete Works, it doesn't bear annotating.  The Nietzsche Project was a little more sprawling though. 

Carl Jung -- Nietzsche's Zarathustra (only Volume 1)
Martin Heidegger -- Nietzsche, Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4
Kathleen Marie Higgins -- Nietzsche's Zarathustra
Gilles Deleuze -- Nietzsche and Philosophy

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