Friday, September 25, 2020

War is a Racket

Back in 1935, retired General Smedley Butler told it like it was.  If only we had more retired generals with this level of curiosity for how war works and compassion for those affected by it.  85 years later this short book will probably not come as a surprise or shock to most folks, accustomed as we are to cynicism about every part of our government.  It is still worth the quick read for the wonderfully ironic suggestions Butler makes about how we might stay out of wars.  For example, why not stipulate that anytime there is a draft, every politician and every executive of a company that sells to the Pentagon are to be paid the same wage as the soldiers?  These are, after all, the people who actually undertake the decision to go to war and profit from it, without any risk to their own lives.  Wouldn't we have fewer wars if they were asked to sacrifice something as well? 

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