Friday, September 6, 2024

The Subtle Body

Let me keep this short.  Cyndi Dale's Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy is gobbledygook.  

I've been working with 'energy' in my meditation practice for a while now.  I can't tell you what energy is, but I can tell you that it is as real as any other phenomenon -- it has a repeatable structure independent of my whims that has a reciprocal impact on other structures I habitually take to be real like my thoughts and body.  To affect and be affected is pretty much the definition of reality as far as I'm concerned. So I don't think the book is bafflegab (op. cit.) because I think energy is bunk.  I picked it up in hopes of, well, better understanding my energetic anatomy. 

Instead, I got a rambling incoherent explanation of what energy is, filled with dubious metaphysical assumptions, junk science, and confused appeals to renegade 'authorities' (a contradiction in terms if ever there was one).  The most useful part of the book is the chapter entitled "Energy Practices", which lists out every different kind of 'new age' healing modality the author has ever heard of and provides a brief comment about each modality.  While I've only ever tried acupuncture, I'm quite sure that many of the other modalities listed here are very effective.  However, you certainly wouldn't be able to figure out which one is likely to be effective for you from this poorly organized and summary information.  This one is going straight into the cat bookstore pile.